Tracker Profile

Andy Chandler
Grand Blanc, MI 48439

Home Phone: 810-348-0620
Cell Phone: 810-348-0620

We are excited to introduce ourselves! I'm Andy Chandler and I owned an Outfitter in Illinois from 2008 to 2019. I as able to track hundreds of deer but sometimes we had to call in the dogs! I was fortunate to work with some of the best trackers and I learned alot. Since selling the Outfitter I new that I wanted to be apart of recovery animals for hunters. So now let me introduce you to Rip. He is an Alpine Daschbrake and he is 7 months old. I started training him when he was just about 3 months old and then decided to send him to Dean at Muckdogs training facility in Wisconsin. He will be coming back to Michigan soon and we will be ready to keep his training going during the upcoming season!